Educational Resources
NAAF staff, The Tohono O'odham Department of Education, and Healthy People Coalition members have selected a few resources for you to enjoy remotely!
Take good care, and if you have more suggestions, please let us know.

Tohono O'odham Language Resources
Book 1 in a series of 12 beginning Tohono O’odham language stories, read aloud by Andrea Ramon from San Simon School readers.
A collection of Tohono O’odham words, sentences, and phrases taught by Selina Jesus with O’odham and English definitions and pronunciations. These lessons are fun, quick and you will learn a lot!
TOCC online reference library includes cultural, historical and language resources.
Education (Sciences, Technology, Math & Language Arts)
This TOCC site includes K-12 education sources, audio books, arts and crafts, free magazines, test preparation (GED, AP, ACT and SAT) and virtual field trips!
Non-profit education organization with free online content and videos on all subjects, ages pre-K to high school. Standardized test preparation included.
PBS cartoon celebrating Alaska Native cultures, languages and stories [including Gwich’in, Koyukon, Dena'ina Athabascan, Tlingit , with STEM content. Website has activities, games, and full animated episodes.
Explore space with satellite images, information about missions, videos and downloads.
Games, quizzes, videos and content on physical geography around the globe for ages 6 and up.
Science website for ages 6 and up with hands-on activities, videos, virtual exhibits and introduction to all studies of science, from climate change to physics to zoology.
Loads of videos, games, and content for pre-K to middle school.
Content is ages pre-K to high school on topics like STEM, geography, history and government and civics.
Content for pre-K to grade 3 on reading, art, math, science and sing-alongs.
Well-Being and Fitness
Douglas Miles [San Carlos Apache-Akimel O’odham] artist, skateboard designer, filmmaker and founder of Apache Skateboards and Apache Skate Team features incredible film, art and skateboard knowledge
NB3 is an award-winning Native-led nonprofit founded by professional golfer Notah Begay III and dedicated to improving Native American children’s health. Videos, stories and inspiration for families and youth.
Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk and his nonprofit foundation fund community skatepark projects. Here is their conversation with Walt Pourier from Stronghold Society and Pine Ridge Skatepark for the Oglala Lakota Nation. Includes website for Wounded Knee Skateboards.
Gardens, Indigenous Foods and Sacred Geographies
Short interview with Jim Enote, a Zuni Elder, high altitude farmer and director of A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center at Zuni, New Mexico.
Jim Enote shares Zuni agriculture, geographic knowledge, and the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center. He challenges the idea of what maps are with real alternatives: art, Zuni place names, constellations, origins and ideas beyond a “piece of paper.”
TED Talk on indigenous food sovereignty, role of plants and origins from Winona LaDuke.
Oren Lyons shares what he learned fishing with his uncle, who sat on the Onondaga council.
Stories and Documentaries
Online library with full books on biography, language arts and fiction, science and technology, social studies, sports and wellness.
Historic programs from publicly funded television and radio.
Interviews with Great Tribal Leaders of Modern Times
Online access to current shows and movies on PBS for all ages.