Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #23!
This week's word is: O:KS AWKS (Pronunciation) WOMAN This week's phrase is: Sa:p kaij? (O'odham language) Shap kai j? (Pronunciation)...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #22!
This week's word is: KE:LI KEH lee (Pronunciation) MAN This week's phrase is: Sa:cu 'o d 'i:da? (O'odham language) Sha chew o d ee- tha?...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #21!
This week's word is: JE:WED Jeh wut (Pronunciation) DIRT This week's phrase is: P hebai ki:? (O'odham language) P hu buy key? ...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #20!
This week's word is: DU'AG THUU ahg (Pronunciation) MOUNTAIN This week's phrase is: P'apt 'o hi? (O'odham language) Pah-pth o hee? ...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #19!
This week's word is: TO:LO Tho Lo (Pronunciation) BULL This week's phrase is: A:ni 'ab cegig ________. (O'odham language) Ah knee ab che...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #18!
This week's word is: ÑUWǏ NY oof (Pronunciation) BUZZARD This week's phrase is: S-ke:g tas. (O'odham language) Sk- heg thash. ...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #17!
This week's word is: Haiwañ Hi wahn (Pronunciation) COW This week's phrase is: N’apt ‘o ha’icu e? (O’odham Language) Nahpth ‘o hi choo...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #16!
This week's word is: WU:LO Woo low (Pronunciation) DONKEY (burro) This week's phrase is: E wa:k 'o d'ahi:wa. (O'odham language) E wahk o...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #15!
This week's word is: KO:JI KOH-gee (Pronunciation) PIG This week's phrase is: N'apt bihugim? (O'odham language) Nahpth bee hu gim? ...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #14!
This week's word is: U:PIO UUU-PEEYO (Pronunciation) SKUNK This week's phrase is: Hascu si hasu uf? (O'odham language) Has chu si has u...