Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #53
This week's word is: HEWEL (O'odham word) Huh-wuhl (Pronunciation) WIND (English word) This week's phrase is: Hewel 'o wi'isulig eg kui....

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #52!
This week's word is: SM'AS (O'odham word) S-mahs (Pronunciation) SUNSHINE (English word) This week's phrase is: Taş tonolig 'o smás masma...

Tohono O'odham Word of the Week #51!
This week's word is: 'AHIDA:G Ah-hee-dag (Pronunciation) YEAR This week's phrase is: S-ke:g Wecij 'Ahida:g! (O'odham language) Happy New...